Flamingo & Chevy Hood

Flamingo & Chevy Hood

I’m walking old town Plano and I am looking for interesting scenes. I walk into this alley way, and there it is, a Flamingo on a vintage Chevy hood (not sure what year). As I am taking pictures, to get the right angle, a man walks out and startled me and said, “Hey, who gave you permission to take a picture of that Flamingo?!” I looked at him, and thought in my head of the rights I have as a photographer, but said, “it’s interesting,” and he laughed and told me he was just kidding. He asked me what I thought about it and told him it was interesting and clever. People from the south are such good people.


Horse Carousel

Horse Carousel

This morning I decided to pass by a local fair in my neighborhood. There was no one around so I approached the fair. It was raining this morning with no light available until I pull up to the parking lot and is like God stopped the rain, created an F/5.6 aperture in the clouds for light to come in for me to get this beautiful horse. As soon as I take the picture it starts to pour again and I run as fast as I could back to my car protecting my camera from getting wet. I find it very interesting when there’s a fair that has no people around, you can really take everything in when no one is around distracting you from discovering a setting.
